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Editor in Chief: RAFFAELLO COSSU


  • Silvia Oñate - Fundación Gómez Pardo, Spain
  • Santiago Rosado - Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
  • Lidia Gullón - Fundación Gómez Pardo, Spain

Released under CC BY-NC-ND

Copyright: © 2024 CISA Publisher


Spain and Italy stand out as frontrunners in renewable energy adoption, particularly in photovoltaic (PV) technology, as part of the strategy for the Energetic Transition to clean sources. However, as Europe progresses towards clean energies, managing the end-of-life waste from solar panels emerges as a pressing challenge. In the coming years, the PV waste will grow exponentially, reaching 23 and 39 kt in 2030 in Italy and Spain, respectively. European regulations require that these wastes be properly managed using Circular Economy techniques to maximise the recovery of its components. Among these components, Si or Cu (CRM) are particularly important because of the supply risk and strategic importance to the EU. This study aims to forecast the magnitude of this waste stream in Spain and Italy from 2024 to 2030, both significant players in solar energy production, while also exploring the potential economic opportunities associated with its recycling.


Editorial History

  • Received: 30 Apr 2024
  • Accepted: 10 Jun 2024
  • Available online: 30 Sep 2024


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