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Editor in Chief: RAFFAELLO COSSU


  • Marina Rigillo - Department of Architecture, University of Naples Federico II (UNINA), Italy
  • Enrico Formato - Department of Architecture, University of Naples Federico II (UNINA), Italy
  • Michelangelo Russo - Department of Architecture, University of Naples Federico II (UNINA), Italy

Released under CC BY-NC-ND

Copyright: © 2020 CISA Publisher


Creating a circular economy poses multiple challenges yet has social opportunity. It represents a key approach to implement the management of more sustainable waste flows to achieve win-win solutions consistent with the EU environment goals, and with the social-economic expectations. As part of the comprehensive outcomes of the EU funded research project REPAIR, the paper presents the results for new technological soils, designed with the aim of implementing the number of products coming from the recycling of both C&D waste and organic waste. The paper discusses the technical issues of this solution in the framework of the specific characteristic of its supply chain. The research aim is focused on the design approach, working on the new products and process at once. Further, the project highlights the importance of dedicated local networks for sharing knowledge in between different stakeholders and experts, and for promoting innovation at local scales.


Editorial History

  • Received: 27 Jan 2020
  • Revised: 07 May 2020
  • Accepted: 05 Jun 2020
  • Available online: 23 Jul 2020


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