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Editor in Chief: RAFFAELLO COSSU


  • Giovanni Francini - DICEA - Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Florence, Italy
  • Marzio Lasagni - AISA IMPIANTI S.p.A., Italy
  • Lidia Lombardi - Niccolò Cusano University, Italy

Released under CC BY-NC-ND

Copyright: © 2018 CISA Publisher


The present study focused on a comparison of two technologies applied in the mesophilic anaerobic digestion, namely a conventional wet one and a dry batch one. The considered substrate was the source sorted organic fraction of municipal solid waste (SS-OFMSW) and the input flow rate, for the study case, was 35,000 Mg/year. The analysed systems included the pre-treatment of the SS-OFMSW, anaerobic digestion, upgrading of biogas to biomethane and aerobic post-treatment for the purpose of obtaining compost. The comparison was made by the calculation of three indicators: net present value, total primary energy and CO2 equivalent emissions, with the aim of providing elements for choosing the most appropriate technology for the specific case. The results obtained demonstrated the finding of worse values by the total primary energy indicator for the dry batch technology, providing a saving of approx. 21% lower compared to the wet one. In terms of CO2 equivalent emissions, the dry batch anaerobic digestion technology provided a better indicator than the wet anaerobic digestion system. Sensitivity analysis revealed the finding of an opposite result only when high specific gas production values were assumed for wet anaerobic digestion, and low specific gas production values for the dry batch technology.From an economic perspective, the results indicated a preference for the dry batch technology due to a higher net present value and a shorter period of return of the investment. This finding was also confirmed by a Monte Carlo uncertainty analysis, showing how the dry batch system featured a 90% of possibility of achieving a higher economically sustainability versus the wet technology.


Editorial History

  • Received: 21 Dec 2018
  • Revised: 29 Jan 2020
  • Accepted: 25 Feb 2020
  • Available online: 23 Mar 2020


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