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an official journal of: published by:
Editor in Chief: RAFFAELLO COSSU


  • Stefanie Hörnlein - Department of Urban Water Management and Sanitation, Bauhaus-Institute for Infrastructure Solutions, Germany
  • Simon Mehling - Department of Urban Water Management and Sanitation, Bauhaus-Institute for Infrastructure Solutions, Germany
  • Jörg Londong - Department of Urban Water Management and Sanitation, Bauhaus-Institute for Infrastructure Solutions, Germany

Released under CC BY-NC-ND

Copyright: © 2021 CISA Publisher


One of the main issues regarding the implementation of source-separation-based sanitation systems is user acceptance, which is related directly to the state of knowledge of citizens. A communication platform for the exhibition and interactive information on the topic of resource-oriented sanitation (ROS) was developed as part of the P-BANK transdisciplinary project. The P-BANK platform is based on a toilet in the public space. The communication concept focusses on the actual use of the toilets and the surrounding nutrient cycle. The central object of the communication at the P-BANK, as its name suggests, is the macronutrient phosphorus. This simplification creates a symbolic effect which is supported by the ambiguity of the sound of the chemical symbol “P” for phosphorus in connection with urinating (to pee). Furthermore, this reduction aims at shortening the messages and simplifying the information transfer. In the first project phase, the transportable system was field-tested and evaluated in the context of the 100th anniversary of the Bauhaus in Weimar. After positive reviews and experiences concerning the performance of the technical facilities and the success of the communication concept, the P-BANK will be tested and evaluated in further awareness-raising campaigns.

Editorial History

  • Received: 31 Jul 2020
  • Revised: 11 Jan 2021
  • Accepted: 19 Jan 2021
  • Available online: 31 Mar 2021


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