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Education for sustainable consumption (ESC) has a role in
the provision of knowledge, values, and skills to enable individuals and social
groups to become actors of change towards more sustainable lifestyles. Also, it
must consider the interests, needs, and perspective of critical stakeholders,
empower them and enable their full participation in public debates about
sustainability. Though unsustainable consumption is substantially shaped by
gender-based inequalities, ESC itself tends to be gender-neutral. This study
provides a systematic literature review of research on ESC, with a focus on
waste education, and an assessment of the inclusion of gender perspectives in
those publications. A structured tool Proknown-C was applied and 46 articles
were retrieved and analyzed – 28 generally related to ESC and 18 to waste
education in particular. The articles were published intermittently between
1990 and 2017, with case studies on 32 countries. From the aggregate number of articles,
22 addressed gender in some form, however, in its majority, it was limited to
superficial mentions and to the presentation of the study subjects in a
sex-disaggregated manner, with fewer exploring gender and its relationships
with ESC and waste education. This study offers a contribution to the scholarly
and practical debate on ESC and waste education programs, and the inclusion of
gender perspectives, as well as, kindle in-depth research on the subjects. It
also aims to provide points for better understanding the role of gender
perspectives in promoting sustainable consumption practices and lifestyles.
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Sagarika Srivastava and David Tonjes
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