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an official journal of: published by:
Editor in Chief: RAFFAELLO COSSU


  • Juraj Musil - INECO Ltd., Slovakia - Department of Environmental Management, Faculty of Natural Science, Matej Bel University, Slovakia
  • Emília Hroncová - European Science and Research Institute , Slovakia
  • Juraj Ladomerský - European Science and Research Institute , Slovakia

Released under CC BY-NC-ND

Copyright: © 2018 CISA Publisher


From 2015 onwards, the parameters of the end-of-waste status for refuse-derived fuels have been defined in Slovak legislation. These parameters were adopted in view of the increasing number of pyrolysis and gasification technologies producing liquid and gaseous energy carriers from different types of waste. The present paper addresses the appropriateness and adequacy of the exiting quality standards for the production and use of alternative secondary fuel, in the form in which they are currently in effect in Slovak environmental legislation, as well as the ability of the existing pyrolysis process to comply with those standards. With respect to the issue of the appropriateness and adequacy of the exiting quality standards, we propose new threshold values for parameters that have been proposed inappropriately as well as for undefined parameters. Regarding the ability of the existing pyrolysis process to comply with effective quality standards for alternative secondary fuel from waste, we present a comparison of the values of parameters available from the existing and upcoming pyrolysis-type facilities with the threshold values defined in the first part of the paper and identification of the most problematic parameters (those where the actual values most often exceed the threshold values defined in the first part of the paper). The final section of the paper deals with the results of testing runs of a pyrolysis facility using real RDF waste (with relatively high Cl content) and the important implications of these results for the issue of gaseous secondary fuels produced from waste.


Editorial History

  • Received: 11 Dec 2018
  • Revised: 04 Mar 2019
  • Accepted: 05 Mar 2019
  • Available online: 31 Mar 2019


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