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Editor in Chief: RAFFAELLO COSSU


  • Mahsa Doostdar - Institute for Circular Resource, Engineering and Management, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany
  • Janus zum Brock - Institute for Circular Resource, Engineering and Management, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany
  • Annachiara Ceraso - Department of civil, building and environmental engineering (DICEA), University of Naples Federico II, Italy
  • Ariana Carolina Morales Rapallo - Institute of Circular Resource, Engineering and Management, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany
  • Kerstin Kuchta - Institute of Circular Resource, Engineering and Management, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany

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Copyright: © 2023 CISA Publisher


Concrete is recognized as the second most consumed materials in the whole world. Therefore, applying circular solutions to concrete, like recycling or reusing can guarantee a considerable benefits in terms of environmental impacts. In this paper, a comparative life cycle assessment is done for different recipes of recycled concrete aggregates in comparison to a recipe of virgin concrete aggregate, which are used in a case study called “Musterbude”. The recycling rate of aggregates used in the recipes are 45%, 60%, and 100% and they are supplied from different resources. For environmental impacts calculation, each recipe is defined as a scenario and their impacts are compared to each. The life cycle assessment results show that, despite low performance in water depletion indicator, the recipes with 100% recycled aggregates shows the best performance from environmental point of view.


Editorial History

  • Received: 11 Sep 2023
  • Accepted: 10 Nov 2023
  • Available online: 31 Dec 2023


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